Development of out TEAM!

Most likely patients of ABC will never meet him, but we all have a debt to him fo his tireless work behind the scenes to create this reality.In the next few posts, I want to highlight how our team came together, because unlike most businesses, every individual came to ABC organically, no real interviewing, no real looking over Resumes:


Weaster is unique in our field in that he came from the CPAP and Sleep Study world.  I met him when I had already been in San Diego. Interestingly enough, we were both in the same field, yet different areas.  While getting to know each other, we talked about the problems in the sleep field and how there needed to be a simpler way for patients.  We have been around each other at many conferences (have we seen a trend yet), and always had the same conversations about patient care. Unfortunately, we were not able to work together for various reasons when I was initially in SD, through no fault of either of us.  When I had moved to Denver, he was one of the main drivers for me coming back to SD.  He kept telling me how SD needed a doctor with the views that we had discussed, how so many patients were falling through the cracks from his side.

His persistence was something to behold, as he wouldn’t let it go that I needed to come back to SD.  I cannot thank him enough for the belief in myself, in our idea and for pushing me to make sure that our view became a reality.  While he is busy with his family and other ventures, he has made it his passion to help patients of ABC. Most likely patients of ABC will never meet him, but we all have a debt to him for his tireless work behind the scenes to create this reality.

-Dr. B