Development of our TEAM!

In the next few posts, I want to highlight how our team came together, because unlike most businesses, every individual came to ABC organically, no real interviewing, no real looking over Resumes:

Amanda S.:

I first met Amanda in Seattle at a Dental Sleep Conference.  She was with a good friend’s Medical Billing Company.  We all went out and had dinner that night and talked about the industry.  We all agreed that we didn’t understand why patients must pay “up front” for treatment when they are already struggling to pay for medical insurance.  Amanda said something that has stuck with me to this day: “I don’t understand why dentists don’t trust in medical insurance the same way they trust in dental insurance.”  When we talk about barriers to patient care, this is a huge one.  Amanda will never speak about her knowledge or brag about her accomplishments.  Let me just say this; Amanda has been in Dental Sleep Billing for seven years, two of those years in a clinical setting. During her tenure with her previous employer, where she billed for Dentists across the country, she had risen to Corporate Trainer.  

One of Amanda’s main interest for talking about becoming part of the ABC Family is that she missed the daily interaction with patients.  She missed getting to know patients and being able to impact their lives on a personal level.  While being an expert in her in the billing area, she wanted to become involved with patient care again.  I couldn’t have asked for a better reason.  I hope you get the same feeling when you interact with her that I see on a daily basis. She truly cares and enjoys patient relations; you can see from the minute you meet her.

-Dr. B